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31 goals

Posted by on May 1, 2013

I’ve never been a new year’s resolution person, but I do appreciate a good list, so here are the 31 goals I’ve been working on for the past 12 months.



1. Take a photography class

2. Plan a trip with a friend met while traveling

3. Rent out my apartment

4. Be able to identify the flags of 100 countries (I can identify 181 flags!)

5. Go to a fortune teller

6. Keep track of my spending

7. Use Couch Surfing

8. Surprise someone

9. Fit into my gray pants

10. Renew my Canadian passport

11. Read a book in Spanish

12. Get an autograph from an Olympics medalist

13. Climb a mountain

14. Make a decision based on the result of a coin toss

15. Use an outdoor shower

16. Get someone to join or visit me on a trip

17. Learn a Shakespearean sonnet by heart

18. See gorillas in the wild

19. Spend at least 6 consecutive months outside of North America

20. Build a fort

21. Do a destination half marathon

22. Donate my hair to Locks of Love

23. Visit my 75th country

24. Donate $10 a month to support a good cause

25. Go rock climbing

26. Do a race in a costume


Not accomplished…yet!

27. Read “Turning Back the Pages”

28. Ride a tandem bike

29. Learn the dance for “All the Single Ladies”

30. Go through a hedge maze

31. Volunteer for at least 10 hours


All in all, it’s been a pretty good year.


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