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Belgium miscellaneous

Posted by on April 11, 2013

In case you were wondering about fines for failing to clean up your dog’s poop, Antwerp and Bruges make it pretty easy to find out.


Two museums I skipped but could have easily been persuaded to visit.


With staircases as narrow and steep and winding as this, it’s no wonder Ikea and their flat packed furniture does so well here.


For the record, board games are way more fun when (a) they have Flemish names; (b) the rules are printed only in Italian; (c) you are missing pieces and have to download a dice app in order to play; (d) you use Google translate to see what you’re supposed to draw in Pictionary and discover that Perzisch kater means “Persian hangover;” (e) you’ve had two Belgian beers and decide to call a weird poultry game Chicken Knockers.


This country is crazy for cycling, be it a professional race or your daily commute. Everywhere I looked, there were signs about cycling.


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