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Hungry for Belgium

Posted by on April 5, 2013


A couple of quick notes on food here.


Of all the chocolate shops in Brugge, Dumon is one of just four that still makes its own chocolate.


Belgian beers are much tastier but also much stronger than others. After just one, I can feel a grin slowly spread across my face and all I want is a nap.


If you're wondering about the Bicky crisp bag, this page does a good job of explaining what a Bicky burger is. The lone meat eater I'm traveling with was curious to try one until learning about the three different meats in the deep fried patty and we just can't bring ourselves to buy a bag of the chips.


I was a bit skeptical about the waffles I'd heard so much about. Really, waffles? I don't like them at breakfast so why would I want one as a snack? How wrong I was! These are not your breakfast waffles: they are richer, softer, butterier, and sweeter without overdoing it. And it doesn't hurt to drown it in gooey chocolate sauce and dust it with powdered sugar!


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