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Nyungwe to Gisenyi

Posted by on December 16, 2012

Dear reader, I’m falling dangerously behind in blogging these days so the next several posts will be photo-rich/text-poor in an attempt to catch up to present day!


It was a long day in the car driving from Nyungwe to Gisenyi. The scenery was gorgeous.

We’d actually passed this sign on the road, but I didn’t get a picture of it, so this is from a brochure instead.

Every time we stopped to take pictures of the views, people materialized out of nowhere.

Lots of people on their way to various markets.

Rwanda is trying to position itself as the technology hub of Africa, so there are fiber optic cables criss crossing the country.

If you’ve ever wondered what happens to the old clothes you donate, they end up in east Africa. It was pretty funny to see people wearing shirts that said “basketball state semi finalists 2003,” and “Lake Grove High Class of 1998” and such.

Posh updating Facebook on her phone. Of course.



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